Monday, August 18, 2008

Parent's challenge

This is Pascal's Triangle - What numbers will be on the next 5 lines?
What is the total of each line, and what pattern can be found there?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Olympic Games

Background - last term our big research project (the nation study) proved to be a bit of a flop. When all was said and done only about half of the class were able to hand in anything at all. The problems? - Basically there was a huge imbalance in the amount of resources available, both electronic and print, and some students were at a severe disadvantage. Also - computer research skills have been shown to be sadly lacking! We are working at the moment to rectify this issue.

So the big project for this term is on The Olympic Games, and it will be similar in format to the nation study. There is, at the moment, a wealth of material available and so there should be a level playing field for everyone. The main points to be covered will include;

1. The flag - what does the design and the colours represent? Who designed it? When and where was it first used? Are there any other details which are relevant?

2. Olympics - Ancient vs Modern - what form do the different Olympics take? Who could / can compete? What events were / are there? What is the Olympic motto, and what does it mean?

3. The torch relay - What is involved? What is the history of the relay? Have there been any problems concerning the torch relay on the way to Beijing?

Points 1-3 cover the minimum requirements of the project. Students should consider the appropriate use of maps and graphics to aid their presentation.
Those students wishing to excel should consider one of the following;
* Drugs at the Olympics (Keywords - Ben Johnson, steroids, performance enhancing)
* Political interference (Hitler, Jesse Owens, Apartheid, South Africa, boycott)
* Terrorism (Munich, Black September, Jewish athletes)
* ??? - Students may choose any other aspect of the Olympic games, research and write up.

Presentation may be in one of two ways;
1. Powerpoint
2. Traditional (A3 card)
Either way, students should expect to present their project orally as well, with a 3-5 minute talk.

Echo echo echo....

So sorry - I have seriously been neglecting posts since the end of term 2. I have no excuse (hold out hand - WHACK!! OW!!)

Welcome back if you have been here before and welcome for the first time if you haven't.